A Negotiated Rate is typically a rate that your property has offered and has been agreed upon between your property and a company or specific group, and is usually a percentage reduction based on the amount of expected business the company will be generating for your property. A Promotional Code is a form of negotiated rate, but is one that your property may offer for use not with a particular company and without previous agreement from any group, instead with a specific set of circumstances in mind (such as a web code to use for a reduced rate when booking online). A promotional code therefore may be used by anyone fitting the desired parameters.
Note: A negotiated rate may only be added to a stay by associating the stay with a company or guest account. The negotiated rate must have been created and attached to a company or group account FIRST. As a promotional code may be used by anyone, the account in Skyware associated with the promotional code will not be for a specific company but will be generated from your property solely for use with the promotional code. This account will still be included in those shown on the Companies with Negotiated Rates screen (which shows a list of all your accounts in Skyware Systems that have a negotiated rate attached to them).
This Help topic is designed to walk you through the steps involved in setting up a promotional code, first by generating the account to associate with it, then adding the negotiated rates to be used when the promotional code is applied to a reservation. For more information on allowing the use of a promotional code with your website, please see How to Set Up Web Rate Codes.
Set up a Promotional Code for use at your Property:
Create the Rate Plan used for the desired Rate. This plan can be specific to the Promo, Company, or target audience, or can be used for several different ones. Note: This is more important for use of a promotional code as a web code. Please see Rate Plan Types for more details. To create a Rate Plan Type for use on-line, specific information fields on the General tab of the Rate Plan Maintenance screen must be completed, in addition to the required information (fields in RED).
Web Rate Plan Name: This will be the name shown to the end-user when making a reservation on-line. Enter the name or description you wish guests to see displayed on-line, if this Rate Plan Type is to be available using the web reservation system.
Note: You do NOT have to use the same name for the Web Rate Plan Name as for the Rate Plan Name used within Skyware. For example you may want the "Rack" Rate to be posted on the web as "Standard" Rate, or the "Best Available" Rate.
Show on Web?: This box may be checked or unchecked. By default it is unchecked, but to have the Rate Plan be available on-line it must be checked. Check to show the Rate Plan for the web reservation system.
Open the Negotiated Rate Accounts screen:
The Negotiated Rate Accounts information screen may be accessed by using the command Companies with Negotiated Rates on either the Files Menu or, if your Property uses it, the Sales and Catering section of the Skyware system.
Note: If your Property does not currently have our Sales and Catering Module and you are interested in adding it, please contact us at Sales@SkywareSystems.com.
The Files Menu may be reached from the Other section of the Full Menu.
Click Files => from the Other section of the Full Menu.
Click the icon on the left or the breadcrumb words on the top right for the Full menu.
This will display the Full menu in a tabular form, with four sections, Registration, Status, Cashier and Other.
From the Other Section, select Files =>.
The Files Menu screen has two sections, Files List 1 and Files List 2.
The Companies with Negotiated Rates command is in the Files List 2 section.
The Sales and Catering Menu may be reached either directly from the Quick Menu, or by using the Full Menu and selecting Sales and Catering => from the Other section.
1. Select Sales and Catering => from the Quick Menu (left side of screen).
2. Select Sales and Catering => from the Other section of the Full Menu,
Click the icon on the left for the Full menu.
This will display the Full menu in a tabular form, with four sections, Registration, Status, Cashier and Other.
Select Sales and Catering => from the Other section.
The Sales and Catering Menu has four sections: Selling Tools, Groups, Sales Reports and Catering Reports
The Companies with Negotiated Rates command is in the Selling Tools section.
When selected, the Companies with Negotiated Rates Accounts screen will open, with a list of all the negotiated rate accounts for the property appearing on the left, and the details about any selected account appearing in the main area of the screen. By default the account details are shown for the first account in the list.
Set up a new account to be used for the Promotional Code:
Set up a new account by using the New button from the local toolbar and complete the fields on the right to enter the details, or replicate an existing account using the Replicate
button from the toolbar and then change the field information to what is desired.
For a promo code account, very few details will be necessary, (again, as the account in Skyware associated with the promo code will not be for a specific company but will be generated from your property solely for use with the promo code) however it is possible to add an A/R account number if desired. It IS recommended that the account is designated as using a specific rate plan type (this may need to be set up first) as this allows you to restrict WHEN the rate is used more easily - if for example you do not wish the promo code to be available for use over holidays, or if the property is already at over 90% occupancy. These restrictions may be specified for the rate plan using the Rate Plan Types screen (via the Rate Rules section and the Dates this Rate Plan is Closed sections) allowing you control over when the promo code may be used. Otherwise it may be used at any time.
For example, if you wish to set up a 20% web promo code, the details you enter for your account on the Companies with Negotiated Rates screen could look similar to this:
With the Company name completed as "20% off Web Special" and with the Rate Plan "PROMO" selected.
Once the account details have been entered to your satisfaction, you MUST save the new entry to create it. Use the Save button in the local tool bar to save the changes and generate the account. When saved, the new account will now appear in the list of all the negotiated accounts for the property (on the left).
The Modify Rates icon appears as a a green paper money note (a dollar bill) in the local tool bar of the Negotiated Rate Accounts screen. Clicking this icon will open the Negotiated Rates screen, where you can add or modify a negotiated rate associated with the particular account. These rates will carry over to stays whenever the account record ("company") is associated with a stay. Thus, whenever anyone uses the promotional code that the account has been made for, the resulting stays can be linked with the account and pull the specified rate into the
Note: If this is a web promo code, to have the promotional code AUTOMATICALLY link the online reservation to the account and therefore apply the specified rate, once the rates have been selected on the Negotiated Rates screen you will need to enter a web rate code (see below and/or How to Set Up Web Rate Codes).
Once the Negotiated Rates screen is open, you can specify the rates to be used with this promotion code account. You may choose to specify the rate for each room type you offer individually if desired; however it is highly recommended that instead you use the check box (at the top of the table) to use the rate plan attached to the account, which will have any restrictions on rate usage already specified. Otherwise, you cannot limit WHEN the rate entered for each room type will be used - it will ALWAYS be used for a reservation associated with this account.
Once you have made your rate specifications, either by checking the "Use the rate plan attached to this guest as the rate." check box, or entering the rates into the table for each room type, you should click the button "Save and Show Guest >>" at the top of the screen to add any negotiated rates specified here to the account.
Skyware will display a pop up window to let you know that the negotiated rate(s) have been successfully saved.
Once you click the blue button "OK" on the pop up window, it will close and return you to the Account screen.
The account, and the associated rates - in other words, the promotional code - is now ready for use when entering reservations into Skyware. Once the promotional code account is selected in the company field on the Reservation screen, the rate plan will be automatically updated and the associated rates will be applied to the reservation.
Note: As can be seen, the promotional code is NOT used automatically for the reservation but must be selected. If this is a web promotional code, where the reservation is made online by the guest rather than by your staff, to have the promotional code AUTOMATICALLY link the online reservation to the account and therefore apply the specified rate, you will also need to enter a web rate code on the account screen.
On the Negotiated Rate Accounts screen, the displayed account will have multiple tabs. By default, the General tab will be open. To add a web rate code, which is defined as a "short code given to a client to make online reservations using this rate" to the negotiated rate (promotional code) account, you will need to open the Other tab. Entering a web rate code on this tab will mean that, if it is then used by an online guest, the code AUTOMATICALLY links the online reservation to the promotional code account and therefore applies the specified rate to the reservation when it is made.
Once the Other tab is open, simply enter the promotional code that the prospective guest should enter on the website into the Web Rate Code field, then press the Save button in the local tool bar to save the change.
Now when this code is used online at your website, the reservation made will be automatically linked to the account and the specified rate applied.
The ability to send a URL link (via email) which will open the Property website with the web rate code automatically entered there has been added to Skyware. This allow you to email potential guests with the URL, allowing the receiver to use the web rate code for making their reservation(s). (For example you may wish to email your repeat customers with a special offer that they could then use to make their next reservation, or you might generate a web code for the members of a group block with a special negotiated rate to use).
To send a URL you will first need to click the URL button, found next to the Web Rate Code Field on the Other tab.
This will generate and copy the URL for the booking engine with the specific negotiated rate account into the (computer) clipboard. A pop up message from Skyware will appear informing you that this has occurred.
Note: Depending on your browser settings, once you have clicked the button OK, you may see another pop up message asking if this action is allowed or needs to be blocked. Choose allow to continue.
Next, with the URL on your clipboard, it may now be copied and pasted into an email to send to the guest for viewing.
Note: The URL is NOT automatically sent to any email address, but must be MANUALLY placed in an email and sent. This helps to prevent unintended or multiple sending of the web rate code.
Note: The Web Rate Code field on the Other tab MUST be completed to have the special rate be used in the URL. Otherwise, the URL generated simply opens the website, with the code field left blank.
Date Updated March 18, 2024